What is at stake in Pakistan? Simply put, it is freedom or bondage. Through transformative education, children who are forced into labor can be free to study, grow, and secure a better future for themselves.
Pakistan is a primarily Muslim country with the less than 2% of Christians working as street cleaners or brick makers. These families work for very low wages and often they have to take out loans that lead to generations of bonded labor to pay them off. As a result, the children of these families are often not given opportunities to study due to the bondage.
B2THEWORLD partners with an educational organization in Pakistan operating three schools for nearly 1000 students. We have come alongside to provide operational funding for these schools, which serve low-income families such as brick-makers, street cleaners, and factory workers. In addition, we walk alongside of the school leadership to provide professional development for staff, development of school improvement plans, and mentorship.
The Pakistani students and families we serve face tremendous persecution for their Christian faith. Would you consider praying for them daily?
Would you like to ensure vulnerable Christian children in Pakistan receive a transformative education through B2THEWORLD? You can advocate for them by sharing their plight with your friends or family. Contact us for more information.
Do you know anyone concerned about the persecution of believers in Pakistan? We would love for you to introduce us to them. Our Founder, Ben Thomas can join you and your friend on Zoom to personally share more about the situation in Pakistan. Contact us for more information.